Top Ten Tools for beginning French Students / First Steps into a new language
français interactif **
aprendre francais **
Chloe **
RFI **
cours de français
french steps
CLE links úteis
ClicNet: Français langue étrangère et langue seconde
The French Tutorial
Grammaire Fraçaise
Bonjour de France (textos)
Bússola Escolar (c/ áudio)
On Line Resourse Portal
Schaum's Outline of French Vocabulary (glossário liberado)
french e-books-free
french e-bookslib
french manybooks
dicionario, TTS:
Frenchie Productions - frenchpodcast **
the french podcast (Yahoo)
dailyfrenchpod-forum // dailyfrenchpod-dictation
podcast (by swicki)
YouLoud podcasts
RFI langue française
Para praticar: ler, ouvir, etc
les journaux en video
le club france de télévisions
french audiobooks
Accueil wikisource
Polar FLE
TV5 Monde
Web Letters
livrarias & livros
livraria francesa
CLE International
Grammaire progressive du français avec 500 exercices (Broché)
Beginner's French (Teach Yourself Books)
Better Reading French : A Reader and Guide to Improving Your Understanding of Written French
French Verb Workbook
Hide This French Book for Lovers (Berlitz Hide This...)
Hide This French Book (Berlitz Hide This Book)
Hide This French Phrase Book (Berlitz Hide This Book)
The Ultimate French Review and Practice: Mastering French Grammar for Confident Communication
The Ultimate French Verb Review and Practice (The Ultimate Verb Review and Practice Series)
The Everything Learning French Book: Speak, Write, and Understand Basic French in No Time (Everything Series)
The Everything French Grammar Book: All the Rules You Need to Master Français (Everything: Language and Literature)
Must-Know French (Must Know)
French Interactive Flashcard Book (Flash Card Books)
Berlitz Shortcut To French: The 100 Words You Need To Speak Over 500 French Phrases (Berlitz Short Cut To...)
101 French Idioms
French Verbs For Dummies (For Dummies (Language & Literature))
Speaking Better French: Faux Amis
Tune Up Your French: Top 10 Ways to Improve Your Spoken French
livros bilingües ( english/french)
French Stories (Dual-Language)
Short Stories in French: New Penguin Parallel Text (New Penguin Parallel Texts)
Les Portes Tordues /The Twisted Doors
Space Postman/Le Facteur Spatial: English-French Edition (I Can Read French...Language Learning Story Books)
French Short Stories 2: Parallel Text (Parallel Text, Penguin)
Imagier -
website - imagem / som / significado - tudo separado em arquivos diferentes :(((
YouTube - imagem + som :) - sem legenda :(
Flickr - imagem + significado
YouTube- ditados - 1 a 25
YouTube - True cognatos - 1 a 23
YouTube - les saisons , les jours de la semaine , les mois de l'année , les couleurs
France visit
Livro _ Michel Strogoff - Julio Verne (Wikipedia)
o livro e seus persoangens
Capitulos - leia on line
Le Portail Web Francophone sur Jules Verne
MS scan - capa deste e de outros livros com resumo da história (lista de capas de outros livros do mesmo autor)
MS em pdf
MS em pdf *444pages*
em capítulos - para ler online
em capítulos - para ler online
em capítulos - para ler online
em capítulos - para ler online
em capítulos - para ler online (este e outros livros)
trecho bilingue - com audio em inglês
manybooks - dowload e-book
dominio público - download pdf (problemas de grafia)
Consulte outros livros em francês na wiki:
livro - Revue des Deux Mondes, 15 novembre 1842, tome 32 Xavier Marmier
Indice de autores -Indice de livros -
Quer aprender francês on line? de graça??
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